But now its a monday afternoon (everyone knows how pointless monday afternoons are) and im waiting for paint to dry on my personal project so thought id get a spot of blogging in.
Its been all go since we started back at uni, Day 1 was meetings, meetings, meetings and we were given a huge folder of paperwork with all our module briefings in it and course outlines for the year, it made the whole "being in our final year" a lot more real, and pretty scary!
I finally managed to finish my painting of the woman under water, I tried to get her finished over summer but ran out of time as I was offered some work in Edinburgh.
So day 2 was back into scenic, loving life! We started straight into Panto right away. Im loving the model, so excited to be working on it it looks beutiful, as always with Robins designs! Kind of forgot how to draw up a little bit but after a few minutes it all came back to me.

We had some of the new first years in who were pretty quick at their painting which helped us along a bit, I think were on schedule, I think we all started off a bit slow but now that we've all got our heads into whats to be done I really think the pace will pick up.

I started a wee painting at home yesterday of a Geisha, its a portarit that I found before summer and thought id do over summer but literally didnt have a minute off work, packing and flat hunting to even attempt to start it. But I made a good start to it yesterday, its got a long way to go but im happy with what ive done so far. I also want to do a painting for my brothers christmas of one of our travel photos as he's just bought his first flat so I want to give him some art work that means something to him. Its going to be a busy couple of months up to christmas!
I have managed to arrange my work placement with The Royal Opera House in London which is in the second week in January which im really looking forward to! Im also hopefully going to be helping my boss from summer and work on some panto stuff for him in our bridge week in November. AND, I've also been in touch with Fiona at the Lyceum to see if I can work with her for a week or 2 over the christmas break, no rest for the wicked! I dont have time to mope around this year, got to be a lot more proactive!