Oh dear, iv been neglecting my blogging! Its pretty much been panto touch ups and personal projects. Then I finally got the panto lurgy which has been infecting students for the last 2 months which didn't help my motivation to blog! Anyways, better now, minus the nagging cough.
Adding the wings |
Panto ran last week and it looked brilliant! I was so excited to see it and loved the feeling of seeing my work on stage.
Iv been working on my Alison Dunlop painting which has been a very challenging piece to re-create. I've enjoyed it but its also driven me a little insane at points and its been haunting my dreams....I wish I was joking!
the painting begins
I gave myself a deadline of finishing it on the 16th. It was a bit of a rush in the last few days but its finished, and although I almost ruined it when I used a badly washed roller to glaze it which was covered in white and black paint..I managed to fix it and I got it home safe and sound to Edinburgh for my mums Christmas. She loved it. I love it. Im so proud of what iv managed to achieve. Even when it was rolled out on my mums floor and I noticed bits which I hadn't fixed after the glaze incident, I managed to step back and see that there was no point in stressing as no one but me would notice and its too late to fix it now.Cant wait to see it up in my mums living room.
I'm really looking forward to the Christmas holidays. I'm off to London tonight to spend Christmas with the boyfriends family. I am taking my sketch book and will be continuing with my drawing so I improve for my next tutorial.
Im quite looking forward to going into costume after the new year but I think i'll definitely miss being in Scenic.
getting there |
my favorite part |
Finished! |