After an hour or so of calculations and mistakes we finally managed to figure out how we were to tackle this situation and, armed with a roll of masking tape, we all got sticking!
The first flat took a whole afternoon, actually it took from 10.30 until 5 to mark up, tape and idendine! But we did learn a lot from it.
When the second flat arrived I think there was a drop in motivation as we all realised that we had to do it all again. When the 3rd flat arrived...well...lets just say the i-pod was cranked up!
They are looking great though now we've got them all idendined and painted and up on the paint frame (luckily with only one accident and that was just Simon not concentrating on where he was hammering and hammered his hand....silly man!)

So the rest will be tomorrows task....before we head to the Lyceum for our mock interview!