I've been looking at a few more Photorealist artists and have found out that it evolved from pop art in the late 1960s early 1970's in America. It appeared in print for the first time in 1970 in a Whitney Museum catalogue for the show "Twenty-two Realists."
I've found a few more artists whos work I find really amazing and it makes me slightly upset to look at it. As it is a skill i will probably never possess....although, my mum always taught me to be positive and never say never.....I'll definately try my hardest.
The first person I found interesting was Chuck Close. He was born in America in 1940. He was born Charles Thomas but was popularly known as “Chuck Close” and made his name as a photorealist. In 1988 he suffered an artery collapse which resulted to him being paralyzed but even through this he still continued to make paintings that are still a must have for museums. Inspired from photographs, the early Chuck Close paintings are large paintings. The main subjects of these photographs were his family or friends.
I couldnt find a good website theat displays a lot of his work but if you type his name into google images you can see a lot of his woks of art. Heres one example.
The next artist I found was Pedro Campos. His paintings are of coke cans and jars of sweets and more still life than portraits. They are absolutely beautiful, the smoothness and perfect shape and light he's managed to capture is amazing. He's a Madrid based artist who has worked in a variety of creative settings, decorating nightclubs and restaurants, and also working for ad agencies as an illustrator. He also studied art restoration in Madrid, working on furnishings, paintings and sculpture. It wasn't until age 30 that he finally took up oil painting and began to forge his career as a fine artist. His work is a mix of pop art and photorealism.
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