Tuesday 5 June 2012

Backstage with costume...

Firstly, I went to see Sons of Ulster at the weekend and thoroughly enjoyed it! The set looked amazing and the acting was tremendous! It was such a good show. Very touching and also very funny. Loved it!

I've been working on costumes for opera for the last week and a bit. Its been quite interesting, i've always managed to miss working on a production when its in tech rehearsal mode so its been pretty good seeing what goes on in wardrobe down the road. I thought the 12 hour days would be a killer but they actually aren't too bad.
We've had a few quiet days and a few busy days. But again its always a surprise with Cordellia. You never know what tiny thing she's going to want changed, moved or altered. She's a good designer but i think she needs to just sit back and relax at times. One of the things she wanted us to do was to make sure all 15 or so of the chorus's hankies were all the exact same height out of the pocket, like to the same mm.....wow.

Because I haven't worked on any of the costumes before now I did find it a little difficult to begin with because I knew nothing about any of the characters or who had which costumes. But after a few alterations and meeting the cast I have managed to get to know a few of the characters and who plays them.

We have been able to make some stuff whilst we've been down the road though. 8 shirts and dungarees for some little dolls that pop up from the floor...Although they were small it was a good thing for me to do because id never made trousers before. They were so small and fiddly though and did wind me up a bit.

Helped out with a paintcall on Friday. Had to re-do a lot of the white squares on the floor...aarrgh!
I started a personal project in scenic before i came into costume. I didn't manage to get it finished but I've been working on it every monday morning. Thought id be able to spend evenings on it but being in until 9.30 almost every night has not made that happen. I'll hopefully get at least almost finished by the end of term. If not I might try and come in for a few days of the holidays to work on it because i really want to get it finished. I have given myself a hell of a challenge with this one!

1 comment:

  1. Still trying to comment. I really like your blog.
