Tuesday 7 May 2013

Bits and bobs

We've had quite a few wee notes for opera over the last couple of weeks, a few chairs to be wood-grained here, a sign to be made there, its never ending! But the end is almost in sight. All the set is now finally down the road. We had a paintcall last week and had a huge list of things, we managed to get the most of it done but a couple of things went wrong due to bad communication, not on my behalf but I did of course get the blame. It was a pretty stressful night for me just because we had such a big list of things but only a small amount of time. We did pretty well though and got the majority of the list ticked off.

We've been working on the tron shows the last week and have been doing some work on Sophies floor cloth, it's looking pretty good, although its getting pretty trampled being on the floor. Started working on Possibilities today too and Saz, Rose and myself stayed late to work on the turrets for the west end festival, they're looking pretty good :)

We had a bit of time to do personal projects at the end of last week. I started a portrait of myself in the style of an artist called Agnes Cecil. I had planned to combine a couple of her painting styles into my portrait.
I was quite happy with what i had produced in the day I was working on it but then realised that adding one of the styles would take away from my painting and I hadn't really captured the same style that she used so after talking to Gary we decided it would be best if i started again and used a different composition and zoomed in so that i was just painting my face and not any of my torso. I spend half a day on that but just couldn't get the  style right and Gary said i was giving myself too much work trying to replicate a picture in the style of a different one so suggested that I just copy the painting which I was using for the style so that i can capture how to create that style then I can try and combine it with a different picture. I think we'll have some time to work on personal projects at the end of this week so im hoping to make a lot of progress on this one.

The painting im going to attempt to replicate is this one by Agnes Cecil.

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