Saturday 9 February 2013

Bridge week

I had big plans for this week! Start a couple of personal projects, get my essays done, do some sewing.

I did make some of them a reality... I decided to take a break from my portrait that I did for my negotiated project as I wasn't really enjoying it and didnt feel I was making progress and wanted to start a new one. I did a bit of research on a few artists styles and liked the work of Sam Walsh. I found a baby picture of me that I liked so decided I would do that and would decide once id drawn it up what style id do it as it was just a black and white photo so couldn't decide to do it black and white or to add colour.
Im also going to start a Dali painting for my brother as a flat warming present as he recently bought a house and that is what he asked for, so i think that will be pretty interesting to do.

I managed to get my essays started on Monday and was in uni on Tuesday asking for Gary's advice on what to do my next personal project on as i want to do something with a wow factor. He suggested I do some perspective, which I do need to improve on. I spent most of my time researching and being told no no no again and again from Gary. Finally we agreed on a Canaletto.

I also got some sewing done and made myself a bag. I'd been in Mandors with Rose the week before helping her find some fabric for her chair and had fallen in love with this map fabric we found and i had decided to make myself a bag out of it...which i did, and I love it. It was actually not too tricky so i've decided to make a few and try and sell them and see if i can make some extra cash..always good as a student!

Gary had been telling us about some street art he'd seen and Simon had mentioned a place in the south side called titan props that he said was worth a look so we decided to have a wee scenic day out on Thursday and went on a wee explore to find Glasgows hidden art. It was very interesting, especially titan props. It had started off as a film set but the budget ran out so now they rent out props and the space, but some of the scenery that they built is still there.
So it was quite a productive week. I got my 2 essays done, did the research and found what I want to do for my 2 projects at home. Made a bag, bought more material to make some more bags and started my personal project at uni. A productive week. I definitely deserved those lie ins and that pyjama day though!

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